Craft Designs, Inc Completes ISO 9001:2015/ AS9100D Surveillance Audit 2022

Craft Designs, Inc (CDI), a first-class provider of Federal and commercial software engineering services, successfully completed its ISO 9001:2015/AS9100D:2016 Surveillance Audit, which was performed by Perry Johnson Registrars. This achievement is a testament to CDI’s commitment to quality as it relates to flight safety and mission critical software.  

CDI’s ISO journey started back in August 2016 when it consulted with The Core Solutions to align its already robust procedures with the language and terminology associated with ISO9001:2015/AS9100D:2016. This ultimately led to CDI’s initial certification in May 2017. CDI’s vision to incorporate and hard wire ISO 9001:2015/AS9100D policies and procedures is an exemplification of its commitment to quality.    

ISO 9001:2015/AS9100D is a quality standard that focuses on a top-down approach to continuous process improvement. CDI’s Senior Management team motivates and provides accountability to the Flight Performance Group to ensure that its quality management system (QMS) is followed. QMS is the collection of business processes that focus on meeting customer requirements and satisfaction.  

In addition to the recent ISO 9001:2015/AS9100D recertification, CDI has also proudly maintained a Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Maturity Level 3 for Development since 2010. CMMI was created for the U.S Department of Defense to assess the quality and capability of its software engineering service providers. The culmination of combining ISO and CMMI standards has effectively reinforced the process driven software development framework that customers count on. CDI’s customers frequently report back that its responsiveness, accessibility, and timeliness is second to none. This consistent feedback is a key indication that CDI’s processes are predictable, consistent, and repeatable, which are pillars of ISO and CMMI. CDI’s ongoing commitment to its adherence to ISO and CMMI standards will propel it to extraordinary future growth opportunities.  

CDI’s Quality Policy 

Craft Designs, Inc. is committed to fulfilling customers’ requirements by utilizing our experienced team in process driven engineering of robust solutions for defense, aerospace and information assurance. CDI will leverage our understanding of task requirements for every contract and will provide quality management for the entire organization, monitoring our performance against established objectives, and continually improving our process and execution.